I have really been trying to focus on being a better leader. I learned early on that scripture is full of top notch advice on this. I took a look at 1 Timothy. The apostle Paul is writing to Timothy and encouraging him on ministerial leadership. Timothy was raised by Godly people but he was young and new to ministry. The book of full of leadership gold but something stuck with me this morning...
"Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith and by integrity. Stay at your post reading scripture, giving counsel, teaching. And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed- keep that dusted off and in use. "
...that special gift of ministry...
I do not remember that enough. I dwell on the headaches of scheduling or not having a children's facility to call our own. I become easily discouraged when stressful situations arise. I struggle to understand that not everyone has a compelling conviction to invest in the lives of the amazing kids that God gave us.
This morning God reminded me that I have been given a high privilege. I need to celebrate that more. I have been given an amazing gift.
The families I serve at WellSpring are a precious gift. Serving with the best group of staff that I know is a precious gift. Leading a team of amazing volunteers is privilege and I am grateful that God granted it to me. Every week I receive love and affection for God's beautiful children...what a gift.
One final thought came to my mind. "Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities" - Luke 12:48 MSG