Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Than Birds

Matthew 6:25-27
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...Look at the birds of the air; Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

I worry a lot. I call anxiety they "a word". This is probably my biggest struggle. Sunday, Andy taught on worry and fear. You can listen to it at: http://www.WellSpringChristian.org/resources/sermons/?sermon_id=126

Andy suggested that when we are overwhelmed with "What If" we trade that in for "What Is" and who God is...

and then we talked a lot about birds...

I never thought about the comparison to the birds. God made a natural order in creation that provides for the birds. God does not leave our lives up to natural order. I believe he is active in our lives. I have to believe that he is eager to help just like a parent.

I am so glad God loves me more than the birds.

So when you are dwelling on "what if", maybe you should give worry the bird?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is That God?

I have been reflecting on Matthew 18:5 lately,"Whoever welcomes these children in my name, welcomes me".

So, when this little boy came by my office today, I figured I would capitalize on the time. I had some children's church music videos on my computer and I turned them on and we started singing.

Some of the videos had different cartoon guys. On the first one that was about Noah, my little friend asked, "Is that God?" and I told him it wasn't. The next video played, "Is that God?" said Si.

What things in life make you ask the question, "Is that God?" or are you even looking for him at all?