It's a priority for me to attend service & I also want my volunteers to make it a priority. It's pretty basic, to feed we need fed. It was a particularly busy morning so I thought that I could skip just this once. I checked and chatted with most of my teachers and then decided to go into service.
I heard the sermon title and thought, "maaaan". It occurred to me yesterday that as men struggle with things like lust, pornography etc., women struggle with gossip, slander etc. It is tricky though, because we don't have accountability computer software that pops up when we are gossiping.
We can wrap up our gossip with the label of "trying to solve a problem", "seeking advice" or maybe even a "prayer request".
I am sooo guilty. I was talking with a very close friend of mine during the sermon. Yeah, I said during, shame on me. She and I tend to "try and solve problems" a lot.
Here is where I pretend to know football...
It is my understanding that when someone does something wrong in the game, the ref can throw a penalty flag. This let's everyone know a penalty has been committed and they can't do that again.
I told my friend that her and I needed a flag for our conversations. Every time we were sharing things not applying to each other or saying something that is "next door to not nice" then we need to say FLAG!
Try this today and see how many penalty flags you throw...
Of course Andy didn't leave us all sitting in a puddle of guilt, he supplied us with some ways to help tame our tongue. One of the things he mentioned was to encourage people.
That seems easy enough but in reality, we do make that weird. Just this morning, I was complimenting someone online. He already had a few compliments and I thought to myself, "Yeah, Andy tells us to encourage and we all go Brady Bunch".
Don't judge me.
Have you sincerely encouraged anyone lately? If you haven't, try encouraging your children's church volunteers. They work so hard for your kids and yes, I am biased.